Senna leaf and headache

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CASSIA ALATA L. Common Names: Ringworm bush, Omuchula. Origin and geographic distribution. Cassia alata L. or senna is a shrub, 2-3m high, widely distributed in the
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Senna leaf and headache
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Senna leaf and headache
09.08.2011 · Now people prefer to use medicines made by rough herbs, it suits body and almost have no side effects,cures the illments, In this system Hakim alwaysShop at GNC for Traditional Medicinals® Peppermint Smooth Move® SENNA - TRADITIONAL MEDICINALS
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Natural Standard - Senna
BLACKHERBALS.COM: CASSIA ALATA / SENNA. Traditional Medicinals® Peppermint Smooth.
Natural Standard, the Authority on Integrative Medicine Synonyms/Common Names/Related Substances: Aden senna, Agiocur®, Agiolax®, Alexandrian senna
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